Generating loan contracts

This article outlines how to generate loan contracts and to support your clients through the contract signing process.


Business and system rules

  • Before generating loan contracts, it is important to address and resolve all conditions provided by the Credit Analyst. This includes making sure that all conditions have been met and confirmed by checking the corresponding checkbox. - see Finalising loan settlement

Generating loan contracts

Select the signing method that is most appropriate for your client's needs.

Option 1: Electronic in person

This option applies if the client is physically with you to sign the documents electronically on your device. 

  1. Select 'Electronic in person' in the Signing method drop-down menu. Click the Proceed button.
  2. A message will appear to notify you that the loan approval will expire after 30 days. Click OK then click the Proceed button again.
  3. The contract will now be accessible on your device. Have your client review the contract and digitally sign the document. The signed document will automatically save to the loan application file.

Option 2: Electronic remote

This option applies if your client is not physically with you and will trigger an automated email/SMS for your client to sign the documents electronically.

  1. Select 'Electronic remote' in the Signing method drop-down menu. Click the Proceed button.
  2. A message will appear to notify you that the loan approval will expire after 30 days. Click OK then click the Proceed button again.
  3. Your client will receive an email with a link to access their loan contract. Your client will need to review the contract and digitally sign the document. The signed document will automatically save to the loan application file.

Option 3: On Paper, manual settlement

This option applies if your client prefers a printed or PDF version of their loan contract.

  1. Select 'On Paper, manual settlement' in the Signing method drop-down menu. Click the Proceed button.
  2. A message will appear to notify you that the loan approval will expire after 30 days. Click OK then click the Proceed button again.
  3. The contract will be exported as a PDF. You will need to send the PDF contract to your client via email or secure file share service.
  4. Your client will need to review the contract and sign the document. Your client will need to return the signed contract to you for upload.
  5. Once received, upload the signed contract to the loan application. Click the Submit for settlement button near the bottom of your screen - see Uploading PDF documents