Finalising loan settlement

This article outlines how to complete the settlement process, including generating loan contracts.

Reviewing settlement conditions

Once the loan application has been assessed by our Credit team, notes and additional requirements may be listed within the Contract Settlement tab of the loan application.

  1. Review the messages and conditions laid out by the Credit team. Ensure you have clearly understood the specific document requirements for your client.
  2. Ensure all requirements are met and any additional documents have been uploaded to the loan application (see Uploading PDF Documents). Click the checkbox confirming all conditions have been satisfied.
    Credit Conditions

Providing asset identifier details
Applies to secured personal loans and auto loans

📑 Details for the vehicle Insurer name and Insurance Policy number are optional at this stage, however must be provided in order to complete the settlement process.

  1. Add the asset identifiers in the Security Details section. For brand new vehicles, the registration number can be listed as "TBA".

Confirming payee and contact details

💡 Personal loans can have up to 4 disbursements

  1. Enter the bank account details for repayments to be direct debited. Nominate the payment frequency.
  2. Select who is receiving the funds using the radio buttons. Enter the bank account details for disbursement of the loan funds.
  3. Review and confirm your client's contact information to ensure documents will be received by your client.
    Debit Disburse Contact Details


⬅️ Prev Step: Submitting a loan application ➡️ Next Step: Generating loan contracts