Troubleshooting irregular settlements

This article covers common issues with the loan settlement process.

If the settlement goes irregular, you will be emailed the outstanding requirements.

Missing supporting document

If we are missing a supporting document, simply respond to the email with the document attached. The application will proceed to settlement.

The email for our settlement team is

Contract needs updating

If something on the contract needs updating, you will need to update the loan application file.

  1. In the Contract Settlement tab, click the Edit Settlement Details button.

    Updating payee details

  2. Edit the payee name and / or bank account details. Once the details are updated, click Proceed to regenerate contracts - see Generating loan contracts

    Updating the loan amount

  3. Click the Edit Credit Details button. You will be redirected to the loan application page. Update the Amount field.
  4. Once the loan amount has been updated, click the Submit for immediate pre-approval button.