Updating a loan application

This article outlines how to amend or update a loan application in progress

If the application status is Pending Credit DecisionSubmitted for Settlement and Manual Settlement, the application will need to be unlocked. Contact the relevant team to unlock the application - see Contact Email Addresses

Find the application

  1. For recently submitted applications, you may find the application number on the application list of Application Portal home screen; OR
  2. Using the search function, locate the application using the Applicant name or Application number in the Criterion field

    Edit and re-submit the application

  3. Click the Edit button to enable application editing
  4. Once all required changes have been made, click the Submit for Immediate Pre-Approval button

Note: The applicant's name, date of birth, address, and ID information cannot be edited by brokers. If you need to update this information, please email the credit team requesting we update the details for you with proof of the change.

(For example, if the DOB needs to be change, send a copy of the client's ID with the correct DOB.)

Contact Email Addresses

Application Status
'Pending Credit Decision' 'Submitted for Settlement'
'Manual Settlement'
Personal Loan  inquiries@nowfinance.com.au   inquiries@nowfinance.com.au 
Auto Loan  autocredit@nowfinance.com.au   settlements@nowfinance.com.au