Asset purchase - Dealer invoice

The dealer tax invoice must include: 

  • Applicant(s) details 
  • Asset type 
  • Identifiers 
  • Amount matching the application 

If the dealer invoice does not match the contract: 

The settlements team will contact the broker to decide: 

  • Whether the dealer invoice needs to be updated to match the contract, or 
  • Whether to reject the application at settlement so that the application can be updated with the correct details, re-approved, and the customer can resign the contracts. 

If the dealer invoice is incorrect: 

If settlement needs to be rejected for application amendment: 

  • Go to the “Contract Settlement” tab. 
  • Click “Edit Settlement Details” at the bottom of the page. 
  • Then click “Edit Credit Details” at the bottom of the page. 
  • The system will automatically redirect you back to the application page. 
  • Update the asset details. 
  • Click “Submit for Immediate Approval.” 

Note: If the LVR (Loan-to-Value Ratio) stays the same or reduces, the application will re-approve within 10 minutes. 

If the LVR increases, the application may need to be referred to credit before it can be re-approved. 

  • Once re-approved, regenerate the contracts and complete the settlement process again.